Nu-mi vine sa viata mea sau cel putin pana nu am nu am regretat un lucru cat regret acuma..Cum sa fii asa? Cum?...I'M STILL this momnet i wanna die because i don't reconize myself..I don't who or what i become..
Your life are more important than mine.I'm an egoist, a stupid, whatever you want and don't tell me that is not like that because I know it is
So in this moment when I hane no friends I WANT TO DIE..and I'll write a letter to you from hell
"i have no friends" - wtf?!
RăspundețiȘtergerenu era vorba de tine..>:D<
RăspundețiȘtergereeu te iubesc pe tine>:D<
chiar ai fost acolo pt mine..
ziceam asa in general...